“Dante Shinkyoku is a manga adaptation of Dante’s Inferno by Go Nagai. Nagai is faithful to the text, as he includes snippets of the original poem (in the vernacular). Though he chooses not to include the entire poem word for word, he shortens main ideas for the sake of comic style dialogue and transitions. He also includes an intro introducing the Guelphs and their struggle.” –Contributor Savannah Mikus
The full Dante Shinkyoku series (originally released in 1994-1995) is available to read online here (last accessed July 27, 2021). [Please note: the url for accessing the full version of Dante Shinkyoku (through sites like mangaowl.net and mangadex.org) changes frequently, occasionally bringing up content that could be unsuitable for young viewers. Please click with caution.]
Click here for a discussion of Go Nagai’s work in relation to three other Dante-inspired graphic novelists (article in Italian).
Contributed by Savannah Mikus (Florida State University BA ’20, MA ’22)