“Kelly Mita-Skeet dips a tasting stick into a pottle of sweet-tart kawakawa jelly; she tries a little bit, suggests it would be good with lamb. She has a kamokamo pickle and horopito and lemon sauce to taste as well.
“We dip and eat and decide that the punchy horopito and lemon would be perfect with fish, and the kamokamo pickle has a chow chow quality to it. Maybe a match for a cheese and corned beef sandwich?
“The condiments are from the Manaaki range made at Omaka Marae, near Blenheim, and Mita-Skeet will shortly be selling these at her Cambridge store, Dante’s Fine Foods, so she’s figuring out their finer points.” […] –Denise Irvine, StuffNZ, April 12, 2018